Our Team

John Pacheco, President


John Pacheco is President of Pacheco Global Partners LLC, an international policy consulting firm dedicated to promoting public policies that create opportunities for businesses and the communities in which they invest.

Previously, Mr. Pacheco served at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) under the Trump and Obama Administrations. At USTR, Mr. Pacheco led the technical barriers to trade negotiations with the European Union under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement, and also spearheaded USTR’s engagement on regulatory and standards issues pertaining to manufactured and agricultural products in the EU, Middle East, EFTA, Eastern Europe, and Central America. 

Before serving in government, Mr. Pacheco was Managing Director of Crowell & Moring International, an international trade policy consultancy, where he managed firm strategy and operations, and worked on behalf of governments, trade associations, and businesses in the food, agricultural chemicals, textile, fast-moving consumer goods, building materials, and mining industries.  

Mr. Pacheco’s professional experience also includes extensive work for the Organization of American States and the U.S. Agency for International Development to advance trade and development goals, including the promotion of developing country exports under free trade agreements and creation of sustainable public-private partnerships to advance economic development.

Mr. Pacheco has a Master of International Public Policy degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees from Northwestern University. Mr. Pacheco is fluent in Spanish.